Discourses of Anticipatory Futures Among Contemporary Japanese Younger Adults

Judit Kroo [1]  See authors’ affiliations [1]  Arizona State University, School of International Letters and Cultures, judit.kroo@asu.edu Abstract This paper examines the ways in which younger adults in contemporary Japan discursively articulate possible futures under continuing conditions of socioeconomic precarity and marginalization…

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Face-attack in Political Discussions on Radio in the Context of Ghana’s 2016 Electioneering Period

Jemima Asabea Anderson[1]  Rachel G. A. Thompson[2]  Margaret Ivy Amoakohene[3]  Vincent Tawiah[4]  See authors’ affiliations [1]  University of Ghana, Department of English, janderson@ug.edu.gh [2]  University of Ghana, Language Centre, rthompson@ug.edu.gh (Corresponding author). [3]  University of Ghana, School of Communication Studies, mamoakohene@ug.edu.gh [4]  Dublin City University, Ireland, vincentkonadu@gmail.com Abstract We examined…

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Predicting Self-Regulation through Inner Speech Reflexivity Modes

Mehrdad Shahidi[1] Thomas M. Brinthaupt[2] Mahnaz Shojaee[3]  See authors’ affiliations [1]  Dr. Mehrdad Shahidi, Nova Scotia Inter-University Doctoral Program, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada‎. Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University-Central Tehran Branch, Iran, mehrdad.shahidi@msvu.ca   [2]  Dr. Thomas M Brinthaupt, Professor, Department of Psychology, Middle Tennessee State…

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Klétaj ak Pwofitasyon – Réflexion sur les agentivités discursives au temps du Covid en Guadeloupe postcoloniale

Stéphanie Melyon-Reinette[1]  See authors’ affiliations [1]  Independent Researcher, s.melyonreinette@gmail.com Abstract In this essay, we try to shed light on the social, political and cultural movement that manifests itself in times of crisis in Guadeloupe; especially in the context of this Covid-19…

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Discoursive othering of Asian Americans A preliminary reflection of the foreshadowing COVID-19’related hate

Arisa Koba[1]    See authors’ affiliations [1]  Nagoya Bunri University, Japan, rage_and_grace@jcom.zaq.ne.jp   Abstract This study aims to examine the underlying causes of the hate against Asian Americans in relation to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Using discourse analysis, the author analyzes…

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“Conversation Wall”: A Study of Anonymous Texts Written on the Wall of a College Building

Mieko Yamada[1] & Christopher LaFontaine[2]   See authors’ affiliations [1] Dr. Mieko Yamada, Department of Sociology, Purdue University-Fort Wayne, 2101 East Coliseum BoulevardFort Wayne, IN 46805, yamadam@pfw.edu [2] Christopher LaFontaine, clafontaine27@yahoo.com   Abstract This article presents a study undertaken to…

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Análisis Discursivo e Interpretación Ideológica De Los Textos Promocionales de la Reforma Educativa “Escola Nova 21”

Esperanza Morales-López[1] & Ana Teberosky See authors’ affiliations [1] El trabajo de esta autora es parte del proyecto “La construcción discursiva del conflicto” financiado por MINECO y Fondos Feder Ref. FFI2017-85227-R. 2018-2021 (http://cei.udc.es). Resumen En este trabajo combinamos, de manera interdisciplinaria, el…

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