
Musicolinguistics: Deciphering the Nigerian Hip-Hop Music: Cryptolect

Waliya, Yohanna Joseph Department of Modern Languages & Translation Studies, University of Calabar, Calabar-Nigeria, & Abstract Young rappers use a secret language or cryptolect to shield themselves from public criticism but share persuading hidden messages that influence their communities.…

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Constructing and Contesting the Post-Apartheid State: Political Discourse and the Marikana Strike

Meghan Tinsley The University of Manchester, Department of Sociology, Arthur Lewis Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom,  Abstract In August 2012, the police massacre of thirty-four workers during a strike in Marikana, South Africa highlighted the interconnectedness…

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The Deconstruction of the Concept of Normalization within the Context of the Settler-Colonialism in Palestine: The Duality of Acceptance and Rejection

Mai Albzour University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and Abstract The concept of normalization was associated with the peace process with Israelis, in both, Arab and Palestinian context. The term has different interpretations depending on context, and it becomes more…

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The Securitization of Political Discourse in Reinforcing Regimes of Power in Kenya

Oscar Gakuo Mwangi (1) & Catherine Waithera Mwangi (2) (1)  Department of Political and Administrative Studies, National University of Lesotho, Roma, Lesotho, , (2)  Department of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, Pwani University, Kilifi, Kenya,, Abstract This…

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The influence of language ecology on the identity and political participation of the inland Swahili communities in the Luo region of Kenya

Benson Oduor Ojwang Kaimosi Friends University College, P.O. Box 385, KAIMOSI, KENYA Abstract This article evaluates the influences of the language ecology of the Swahili speakers who settled in the Kenyan hinterland on their identity, coexistence, and political prospects. These…

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Public-facing “Success Stories” in international development as text: A critical discourse analysis of historicism

Emily Springer Social Justice and Human Rights, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University or  Abstract Political discourse typically focuses on public oratory comments by politicians which are meticulously prepared and framed in advance, representing…

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Un regard sur la question d’identité ethnique des Chinois à Paris : différence entre les générations et entre les genres

Delin Deng École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, département d’anthropologie sociale et ethnologie, Résumé En s’appuyant sur les données relevées des entretiens et des questionnaires auprès 40 Chinois de la première génération et 21 Français d’origine chinoise résidant…

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